Monday, 24 September 2012

So little time!

In between this...

and this...

and this...

and this...

and this...

and this...

...I have very little time left!  Cannot believe I have taken on all of these projects for my home decor when I must get started on the holiday gifts!  It is September already, the new term is crazy at School and I am getting more and more frustrated as I don't have enough hours in the day.  I really could do with one of those watch things that Hermione had in the Harry Potter stories where she was able to fit in extra lesson, that would be my idea of heaven!

From top to bottom:
Willow Crochet Doily blanket - I just had to make one, it is so pretty!
Cranberry muffins - for the boys 
Wild Olive inspired zippered pouch - for me! - had to organise my thread before starting new projects!
Cross stitch bee - What Delilah Did pattern - this is for me and it is taking ages!
Crochet draught excluder - started a tapestry one and got fed up so am quickly using all my scrap cotton yarn and will stitch it together and stuff it!

Doing lots for me by the looks of it doesn't it, but hey my house needs pretty things in it too!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Autumn walk

What a surprise we had when we found these community project sculptures dotted throughout our favourite walk in Ellsemere!

The Sssh is my favourite. Found in the woodland clearing, it gave us a great opportunity to encourage the boys to listen to the sounds of the woods!